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Musical Intelligence and 11 signs of a musically gifted child


Decades earlier, education reform movements focused on availability of education to children of all sections of society. In the earlier years, it was only the wealthy that sent their kids to school while the poor had no access to education whatsoever. It was in the recent times that these educational reforms evolved to focus on innovative methods of learning and teaching. One such design that impacted the curriculum of schools worldwide was the Multiple Intelligence Theory offered by Dr Howard Gardener. In his book ‘Frames of Mind’, Dr Howard Gardener outlines the several different intelligences. These intelligences can be combined in many ways by individuals to develop ideal learning pathways. One such intelligence is Musical Intelligence. Although many schools have not explored musical intelligence as part of their curriculum, it stills holds up as a rather interesting and impactful learning pathway for children. It can also evolve to a rather innovative teaching pedagogy in the years to come.

A picture of children playing the trumpet
Musical Prodigy

What is Musical Intelligence?

Musical Intelligence refers to that area of intelligence that deals with skills in composing and application of musical knowledge. It refers to the ability to think in patterns and rhythms. Children whose core strength is music will have an innate aptitude for it. They will have a natural ability to recognize and create music or songs.

Children singing
Musical Intelligence

How do you know if your child is musically inclined? 11 Signs of a musically gifted child

· Highly responsive to music through movement.

· Always keen to listen to any kind of music.

· Thinks in rhythm or harmony. Has a good sense of rhythm

· Has the ability to play an instrument by the ear

· Has the ability to match any pitch

· Shows sustained interest in music

· There is music in the genes.

· Has the capability of recognizing harmony in a song.

· Responds emotionally to music.

· Heightened awareness of sounds around.

· Has the capability of identifying songs quickly.

A child with a tabla
Music is Magic


Every child is unique, with a unique set of aptitudes. As per Dr Howard Gardener’s MI Theory, each child may possess a unique core strength and intelligence. Some children have linguistic-verbal intelligence while others may have logical-mathematical intelligence. Having a musically intelligent child could only mean that music can be used as a learning pathway for the child. It would be important for parents to nurture this skill by encouraging the child to participate in musical activities or events. Enrolling the child in a music class is also a good way to encourage a child to reach a certain level of expertise.

A boy with the guitar
Playing music by the ear

Learner circle has curated a unique ‘Know Your Child’ assessment to help parents understand their children better and to guide them in identifying core strengths. You may try out our KYC module to check if your child is musically inclined. We also offer online music classes for children who are interested in after-school activities. These courses are of short duration and focus on sharpening cognitive skills for children. It is the right program for early age learning in music and will help your child to cross all those musical development milestones.

A KYC Poster
Know Your Child

Please do not hesitate to visit our website to know more about our online courses.

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