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7 ways to overcome loneliness during Lockdown

Humans are socials animals. We love to live in a tribe and get into institutions. Video calls have become the new meetings. Virtually meeting our loved ones frustrates us quite a bit. Staying indoors can make it uneasy for introverts as well as extroverts, children, and adults. But what if we can do something interesting that is making your Lockdown not only productive but also so much rewarding.

Were you craving for some “me” time that you could never catch because of assignments, projects, exams, and commitments. You always wanted to rev up your game, but always stuck in a routine. 24 hours a day is not enough for you coz your calendar is simply blocked by routine stuff. Now, this Lockdown is actually your hero time or a comeback time. This time is perfect for your comeback.

This time can be very tempting to binge-watch useless videos and feel very guilty and feel all the more lonely and demotivated. Certainly, there can be entertainment but just not to the point that it is actually draining you. Let’s get to the points

#1 You are your hero

You don’t need to enjoy only in someone’s company. We see Disney movies where princesses wait for a Prince to save them. Now you gotta play both the roles. You play your hero. Yup. This is also a perfect time to explore not only new hobbies but also to introspect on what you like, dislike, and your personality. Deep dive into your personality and your life can open new doors of opportunities. You would realize that “you” are the “dream-come-true” if we invest the right amount of time in our own life.

#2 Learn a new language

Did you trick yourself into a “tomorrow” to learn a new language? Just could not find a minute in the schedule that took all the time. Now you have all the time in the world to develop your new language. Learning a new language has a lot of advantages. You can immerse yourself in a new culture and get to know new places. (Planning for a post Lockdown trip? This can help you get the most of it!)

#3 Arts and Craft

Time vrooms by when we start arts and crafts. It is a beautiful way of using your time. It can also gift you some beautiful home decor pieces. This is a very rewarding experience. To fill your home with awesome home decor made on your own. Show off your masterpiece in your Social media. This can be the starting point of your own brand.

#4 Overcome loneliness by Learning Music

Learning music is a complex activity. If you are having an interest to learn professional music, this could be an awesome opportunity. Whether it is vocal or instrumental, learning music can build up various aspects of your life. You can see your memory improves, you feel wonderful when you reach a note that you’ve been trying for so long. You’ll truly understand practice is all you need. Your music can be your best companion.

#5 Soft skills and Personality Development

This lone time could be an awesome time to practice your conversations and presentations in front of the mirror. Nobody is there to judge. Rehearse real-life scenarios. Learn how to communicate and rehearse body language. When your colleagues see you after the Lockdown they will see a world of difference in the personality that you’ve become. Work intensely on relationships and creating connections.

#6 Build your brand

Learn digital marketing, content writing, and create a brand for your personal hobbies and aspirations. When you create juicy content with the right idea of reaching your audience this could be the recipe of great branding for your work. However great a master someone is, marketing and creating a brand is an inevitable part of steady growth. Without marketing your talents are hidden and are mostly inaccessible by those who might need them most.

#7 Declutter and Organization

Our every day at work demanded all our time and decluttering and the organization was an overload. But a cluttered home affects our work life massively. You’ll understand how productive you have become after you have decluttered and organized your space. Your space can be the cozy happy place that you cherish. Create happiness where you are.

You are your greatest asset. Never underestimate the true value of your expression. When you invest in yourself it never goes waste. Lone time need not put you down. It can be the greatest thing. You don’t want to miss this because of a perception that we adapted from the mass and media. Make the most of now. Make every second count. Make it all yours.

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