Title: The Famous Five
Author: Enid Blyton
Genre: Adventure, Fiction, Literature
Age: 10yrs to 12yrs
Book Review:
This book is filled with adventure like all the Famous Five books. It's all about finding clues, chasing suspects, running through tunnels, discovering caves and lots of fun. The Famous Five are a group of children who are central to all Enid Blyton’s adventures. The intriguing part about the books is the characterisation and the role each character plays in the unravelling of the mystery. Enid Blyton has always been a stellar visual narrator and her storytelling will have the reader hooked until the last page. Her visuals of food, especially of croissants, jam and cookies will have one hungry after the story is over. An amazing book for children who love adventures and Enid Blyton’s style of writing. It is not possible to just read one Famous Five book and be done with it. The reader will want to read the next book in the series and the next and the next.
3 Takeaways for your child:
Be proud of who you are.
Be open to different possibilities.
Connecting with nature and people.
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