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What parents can do to inspire kids to learn new things

parent and son with guitar
inspiring kids

Learn constantly, there's always one more thing to learn - Steve Jobs

A new study found that children tend to imitate adults to a fault. Whether they are toddlers from England or Kalahari bushmen, children are said to over imitate adults, regardless of culture. In fact, the findings suggest that a child imitates even irrelevant or silly gestures of an adult. It is believed that this could be a universal human trait. Researchers went on further to say that imitation is distinctive to humans, not to animals. Renowned psychologist Mark Nielsen said of this behavior.

‘Humans seem to almost forget about the outcome and copy everything we see’.

What is imitation and why is it important?

Imitation is a crucial aspect of social learning and skill development. It helps children and adults adapt quickly to new environments. Children learn from speech, social interactions, interactive play, gross motor movements and exposure to various social groups or individuals.

For example, a simple game like ‘Peekabo’ can teach a child interactive play through imitation.  

‘Kids don’t do what you say, they do what you do

How can parents inspire kids onto a journey of learning?

Encourage learning adventures

Children are a precious gift and a big responsibility. During their growing years, parents have the opportunity to nurture, support and inspire them. Sometimes, with the mundane, we tend to allow our parenting mindfulness slip. If there is reflection and a strong attempt to achieve positive goals, then making mistakes is considered as part of the process. Reinforcing parental goals is an important part of being able to raise healthy, happy independent children to become happy healthy independent adults. To inspire children is to breathe meaning into their lives. Adults can achieve this by encouraging them to explore the possibilities around them and to go on learning adventures consistently.

Walk the Talk

The only way parents can get children into positive enriching habits is by emulating these habits themselves. A parent who wants a child to read should develop the habit of reading. Likewise, a parent who wants a child to be well-mannered should emulate good manners. In the same way, parents who constantly push themselves out of their comfort zones and try new things will be able to get the kids to do the same. Examples: Mom and Son trying out a challenging trek trail or Father and daughter attempting dance classes together

Help children discover themselves as unique individuals

Kahlil Gibran wrote

‘ Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you. And though they are with you, yet they don’t belong to you.’

Very often parents feel the need to influence and mold children according to their expectations. Even though children may have some genetic similarities with their parents, they are completely different people. It is important to celebrate the uniqueness of each child by encouraging them to pursue their passions and encouraging what is special in them.

Recognize their aptitudes and core strengths

Parents can empower children by exposing them to different social and learning experiences. These experiences will offer opportunities for them to self-reflect and be self-aware. Without a plethora of experiences, children will not be able to understand where their aptitudes and core strengths lie. Recognizing or identifying a child’s core strength may take years or months depending on the environment and learning experiences of the child. A parent who is self-aware will also be able to guide the child better onto a path of self-discovery. Parents who explore and look at learning as an adventure will so be able to inculcate the same attitudes in children.

Take advantage of the Digital Flexibility

These days, with the digital explosion that is taking place, education and learning have become more accessible. It is now easier for parents to enroll into classes given the flexibility of time and space. This digital flexibility also enables parent-child bonding on different levels. Not only can parents supervise these extra classes but they can also schedule a class of their own interest accordingly. This way both parent and child are creatively engaged, motivating each other in their own way. It is not mandatory that parent and child enroll for the same class. Each one can explore their own passion taking complete advantage of the flexibility of the digital age.

An invitation to parents to explore

Learner Circle invites parents to explore various digital courses that we have curated for both adults and children. Discover the joys of learning keyboard or the guitar with your little one. Our online classes are designed specifically to act as cognitive interventions to improve cognitive skills and overall personality development. Do not hesitate to contact us if you are wanting to explore a different side of you.

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