"I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character" Martin Luther King
Communication is one of the most important social skills for children. It fosters human connections, is a change agent and makes a strong impact on decision-making. It therefore plays a significant role in building social intelligence and emotional intelligence in children. So, it is not surprising to say that public speaking is a vital life skill to attain.
Public speaking is known to help children progress in the following :
Communication skills
The power of persuasion
Negotiation skills.
How do good speakers evolve? What kind of tips should an effective speaker follow? The 5 pillars of public speaking will be a good guideline to begin with :
Body Language: It helps you take control of the stage, connect with the audience, and builds confidence levels. Once the art of body language has been conquered, the speaker will be able to improve on other aspects of public speaking.
For example, watch Martin Luther King when he delivered the iconic speech ‘I have a dream’ His body language is impressive and has great impact on the audience.

Voice: Another effective method of public speaking is being able to experiment with voice. Techniques like voice modulation, mimicry, ventriloquism help to have a stronger connection with the audience. Also working on basic things like volume, tone and variety will be effective.
Watch Maya Angelou recite her popular poem 'Still I Rise' here. Here delivery of this convincing poetry with a strong social message is delivered with aplomb. Her voice modulation and style play a significant role in the presentation of the poem.

Structure: A simple structure will help the audience grasp the main message quickly. Listing out points that connect well will help to deliver the message to the audience more easily.
Example: Abdul Kamal always displays great structure in his speech. His speeches consistently motivated youth to action.

Clarity: Delivering a speech with utmost clarity, is vital to getting the message across to the audience. Therefore, the speaker should be ready to present with all necessary devices in place.
Watch Greta Thunberg deliver her message at the UN. A young girl of just 13 years spoke with such clarity and such conviction that the whole world stopped to listen to her.

Impact: To be a successful speaker, making an impact on the audience is important. It is only when a strong connection is made with the audience, that a call to action will be followed up on.
Barack Obama is considered as one of the most successful Presidents of the US, and was also rated as one of the most popular Presidents. This is because he was able to make a strong impact on the audience through meaningful speeches that left a great impact. Watch one his most watched speeches here.

Here are Some public speaking statistics that will help attain the kind of presence speakers like Barack Obama, Abdul Kalam and Martin Luther King had on stage.
1. Start confident and strong
The first 15 seconds is crucial to making an impression. So, it’s important to be confident, fluent, and clear. It basically lays the foundation for the way the audience will receive the rest of your speech.
2. Eye Contact
This is a very important aspect in grabbing the attention of the audience. The magic number here is 3 seconds when directly looking at someone. If the eye-contact is broken too soon, the audience may view the speaker as shifty or dishonest. Or if the speaker looks for too long, then it may be perceived as staring.
3. Finish on time
It is imperative that a speaker stays close as possible to the schedule. In fact, it is much appreciated when the speaker prepares the audience for the length of the speech. It is true that 100% of audiences will appreciate a speaker who finishes on time.
4. Body Language
Studies indicate that the audience get 57% communication from nonverbal cues, 7% from words and 36% from the voice. Nonverbal communication is more important than people realize.
5. Tell stories
The way a speech is presented or expressed determines how effective it turns out to be. When people dole out facts, there is a retention of about 5% to 10%. If some visual content is added, then retention increases to 30%. If the speech is narrated like a story with examples and emotions, it has a chance to experience a retention increase to 75%.
6. Take time to connect
It’s important for the audience to connect with the speaker. Therefore, a speaker should invest at least 10% of the presentation time to do a self introduction. The speaker can get creative during this time and attempt to build rapport with the audience.
7. Many people who have a fear for public speaking don’t seek help
Only 8% of people who have fear of public speaking seek professional help. In spite of knowing that being a good public speaker can have a long-term impact on career opportunities.
8. The average attention span is short
Research shows that the average attention span of audience is between 8 to 10 minutes. Therefore, it is imperative as speakers to imbibe creative unique ideas frequently in the speech.

Learner Circle’s Dubai Utsav ’24
Learner Circle is a dynamic Edtech platform offering various skill-based courses to children, including Bharatanatyam dance, keyboard, guitar, abacus, mental mathematics, German, French, and other languages. To learn more about the courses offered, click here.
Learner Circle’s upcoming Dubai Utsav event on April 20, 2024, is designed to showcase the talents of students across the Middle East. Here's your chance to showcase your child's abilities on a global platform. If you have children aged 5 and above with diverse talents, seize this opportunity! Register now  https://bit.ly/3PsNB7dÂ
Dubai Utsav '24 will showcase a variety of exciting events, including a talent hunt, an art exhibition, a design and dazzle contest, a book launch featuring stories written by children, a trivia quiz, a drawing competition, and education excellence awards. Visit our website, https://www.learnercircle.in/utsav-dubai Â
Additionally, there will be fun-filled activities suitable for the entire family to enjoy. For queries, please contact us via WhatsApp at http://wa.link/dgh2fu.
Public speaking is a useful life skill to attain. It is considered a transferable skill and can be helpful in various spheres in life. People who can speak well, can communicate more effectively. They also make great leaders and able to seek the attention of their audience quickly. Indra Nooyi, an icon all over the world is known for her honest, candid speeches. She always delivers her message with conviction and confidence, thus inspiring millions of people all around the world.

If you want to speak like Indra Nooyi or Barack Obama, check out the courses at Learner Circle. We offer convenient online courses for kids from all over the world. Our courses aim at honing life skills and building cognitive skills to create responsible leaders of the future. We believe in helping children pursue their passion and want to be a strong partner in their journey to become better learners. Greater leaders. Visit our website for more details.
