Age is no bar for music
Learner Circle is proposing interventions to improve cognitive functions for adults. Cognitive interventions tend to delay age associated disabilities. The World Health Organization in 2012 estimated that by 2050, there will be 114 million people with dementia. This disease will be the major cause of disability in the older population. Music improvisation is used to explore its ability to improve memory in adults. Studies have shown significant enhancement in memory among participants exposed to musical improvisation. Participants who had musical knowledge also performed better in visual memory tasks than non-musicians. Therefore, we present to you classes on learning musical instruments like piano and guitar for adults. Because age is no bar for music.
Why music?
Besides love, the only other thing that is universal is Music. The strong connection It has always been an intriguing art form, because the harmony, rhythm, and melody inevitably find a way to the heart. That is why music builds such strong connections between people. It is believed that the first sounds of music came from the universe, perhaps the sounds of birds, the wind and rain inspired man, then man had to add science to it. Therefore, music evolved at great lengths. With the advent of technology, we get to witness various genres of music, appealing to people of all ages and nationalities. Why does music evoke such strong emotions within us? It is because music involves every part of the brain. When we listen to music, both neurons and synapses become active. Sometimes, memories of the past are triggered when listening to music. This is called flashbulb memory. That is why music is recommended for older people suffering from alzheimers, dementia or Parkinson.
Music and the brain
According to the National Institute of Health, music elevates mood and has the power to evoke positive emotions. Because music impacts every part of the brain, it plays a significant role improving cognitive skills, working memory and recognition memory. Learning to play an instrument is like providing a circuit workout for the brains. In his book, ‘this is your brain on music’ Dr Daniel Levitin explains that listening to music first involves the subcortical structures. It then moves up to auditory cortices on both sides of the brain.
It Improves the quality of life.
Learning to play an instrument or listening to music activates areas of the brain that release hormones called oxytocin. That is why experiences with music tend to make people feel happy and be more positive. A recent study revealed that oxytocin levels significantly increased by singing for half an hour.
It reduces stress
Listening to music helps to reduce the release of Cortisol which is the body’s main stress hormone. Even though cortisol is essential, too much of it is not good for physical and mental wellbeing.
It breaks down social barriers
Music helps to break barriers in communication and is a good ice breaker. It is said to be a universal language that brings people from all over the world. As children move out and adults face retirement, music could be a good crutch to lean on. Oxytocin which is also known as the ‘love’ hormone plays a powerful role in building empathy and bonding. Thus, music plays a significant role in socialization and is a fantastic way to meet new people.
Hans Christian Anderson articulated the power of music in this quote ‘where words fail, music speaks.’ Choose music and fight the inevitable battles of adulthood with harmony and lyrics that evoke nostalgia and joy. We are here to help you.