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When is the right time to introduce Abacus to children?

A poster of mathematical tools across the ages
Mathematical tools across the ages

The use of both hands for Abacus enhances cognitive ability

Cognitive stimulation intervention by Abacus helps to enhance cognitive abilities in kids. In the early years when Abacus first began, one hand was uses for the Abacus. Over the decades as its popularity grew, the need to use both hands evolved. Scientists believe that this technique helps to stimulate both the left and right brain therefore offering a more balanced brain workout. Use of both hands is more prevalent now and has sustained over the years as it gives the student the ability achieve speed and accuracy in calculations.

Did you know that Abacus comes from a Greek word 'ABAX' which means calculating table?
More on abacus : Click to read more on the history of Abacus and how it is learned

picture of abacus
Abacus helps enhance cognitive ability
The first record of a Abacus is from a drawing from the 14th centruy.

The visuospatial format of abacus facilitates calculations with speed and accuracy. There is literature to suggest that Abacus can have a strong impact on cognitive brain systems. It has the influential potential to improve cognitive skills like working memory, numerical magnitude processing and mathematics. Studies have shown that training induces functional and anatomical neural changes that are directly located within the frontal-parietal and occipital-temporal brain regions. So, when is the right time to introduce Abacus to kids?

How can Abacus help children learn Math? Abacus does wonders for math skills. Click here to learn how.

Anyone who keeps learning stays young - Henry Ford

Jean Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development: The Concrete Operational Stage

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development highlights the fact that intelligence is inherently an ongoing process. In this theory Piaget suggests the kids move through four stages of Cognitive Development. The theory states how kids acquire knowledge through each stage and the types of cognitive development that can occur based on their interactions with their environment. This theory of cognitive development helps learn the type of cognitive growth of kids experience.

There are important characteristics and changes that take place in the four stages of cognitive development. Based on these developments one can infer that introducing concepts and fresh cognitive stimulation activities like Abacus would be ideal during The Concrete Operational Stage. This stage of development takes place between 7yrs to 11 yrs.

Picture of Abacus
The Concrete Operational Stage

The Concrete Operational Stage

Logical reasoning related to concrete events begins at this stage

kids become more organized, concrete and logical in their thinking. They begin to use reasoning or inductive logic. Which means, they try to move to a general principle from specific information. E.g., kids may realize that A=B and B=C but will still struggle to grasp that A=C

Another development is knowing reversibility, which is assimilating the order of categories in the mind. For E.g., recognizing that the cat is a Turkish Angora, that a Turkish Angora is a cat and that a cat is an animal.

Kids begin to realize that properties of an object remain the same even after undergoing physical transformation. Knowing conservation can apply to conservation of liquid i.e., pouring the same amount of water in two different size/ shape containers. One of the critical aspects of this stage is that kids can focus on many parts of a problem. This ability helps them in grasping the concepts of conservation.

Conservation of Number

Understanding that placement of two sticks in parallel or in one straight line, does not change the number of sticks

Conservation of solid quantity

Knowing that the quantity of clay rolled into two different shapes is the same. E.g., two lumps of clay rolled into the same shape and then they rolled into two different shapes

Conservation of weight/mass

Grasping the conservation of weight and balance. E.g., Two equal balls of clay placed on either side of a balance to prove their weights are the same. Then the same procedure with different size balls of clay depicts the conservation of weight and balance.

The age at which a kids grasp conservation may vary and kids may grasp different concepts of conservation at different ages. However, by operant training, which involves reinforcing correct answers and repeating tasks, younger kids can learn concepts of conservation.

This is an important stage where kids begin to think more of other people and their perceptions. Gradually moving into the sociocentric stage. They still struggle with the abstract and hypothetical. They also begin to get a sense of self during this stage.

Did you know that the Abacus is faster than a calculator in addition and subtraction?

Learn Abacus at Learner Circle

Learning Abacus can be fun and interesting. Learner Circle is very keen to teach children the concept of Abacus based mental calculations. The Abacus online course is designed at easy simple to understand levels. This will enable the child to progress easily from on level to another. This is an ideal online course to assist parents who are keen to enroll their children in early age development programs. Please check our website for details on the Abacus course. Do not hesitate to contact us for a free demo.

A picture or abacus and a girl
Abacus at Learner Circle

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