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The Magic of Magic on Children

As Toddlers, children live in a magical world of their own. They play dress up, believe in Santa Claus, the Tooth-Fairy and Unicorns. During these formative years, children cannot grasp a lot of realities of the world around them. So, they make it up on their own. They build their own world of fantasy filled with magical solutions. It is no wonder that these years have been termed as the ‘magical years’ by child development expert Selma Fraiberg. As children grow into their early development years, the world of real magic has a beautiful impact on them. This influences the way they think and interact with the world. Read on to find out about the impact of magic on children.

A poster of a rabbit in a hat and a magician holding a wand
The impact of magic on children

ADHD and Magic

Health Psychology Research published a study in collaboration with other schools of thought and illusionist/educator Kevin Spencer. The study directly linked magic to building self-esteem in children with ADHD. This magical approach is said to improve motivation in children and adult with disabilities. It works to improve psychological, physical and social functions.

It also serves to boost the self-esteem for children with severe emotional disturbances such as learning difficulties, autism, ADHD, communication difficulties and behavioral disorders (emotional).

A poster of a magician looking into a hat
Magic fosters divergent thinking

Divergent thinking

Magic in general tends to go against normal expectations. It creates events that seem impossible and builds a world of unpredictability and non-conventional ideas. Magic triggers the ability to look at a problem and be able to have different solutions to it. The world of magic triggers ideas that are original. Research has proved that it disengages people from stereotypical thinking, for example on social categorizations and this impacts divergent thinking. These studies show that both, witnessing a magic trick and learning the technique of the trick can boost divergent thinking.

A link between Magic and Fantasy Play

Research has shown a strong link between divergent thinking and children’s preference for fantasy-oriented play. Russ & Grossman-McKee (1990). It also has a strong impact on their physical and verbal creativity. Bunce &Woolley (2021). Many participants who were part of the research-based activity believed that the process of the experiment helped to increase creativity, enhance problem solving and form childlike perspectives.

Magic fosters a Growth Mindset

Researchers believe that one can attain a growth mindset with high levels of achievement and resilience. The nature of magic requires the acquisition of certain skill sets and knowledge. These activities cajoled the individual towards a growth mindset.

Magic Empowers Children

Mr Weiman, a teacher of magic for 25 years, in his testimonial claims that magic can have a dramatic effect on all kinds of children. For him, magic evolved into a platform where he could confidently interact with others. This honed his social skills and increased his own self-confidence. Providing a platform like this for a child can be empowering, doing wonders for the way they perceive themselves in relation to others around them.

A poster of magic hat, want and some cards
Magic empowers children

Magic fosters Public Speaking Skills

Knowing the trick or the technique to present it is important. What is equally important is being able to present it articulately so that the audience can understand fully. It is a fertile learning ground for children to learn to express their ideas to the people around them in an entertaining manner. Children not only learn to be fluent with their language skills but also try the use of humor in their presentation to improve their entertainment value. This is an important aspect of magic as kids can use these skills on several other platforms like classrooms, competitive events or later in their careers.

Magic brings people together

Magic transports people to a different world. It spreads the message of possibility and hope. This message stirs something within the audience, a kind of positive vibe or energy. It works like a catalyst urging people to try the impossible or step out of their comfort zones. That’s the magic of magic. It also makes conversation between people easy, a great way to break the ice in large groups and help people connect. For years now magic is associated with happy feelings and even a feeling of celebration. It is used again and again to make people smile, at birthday parties, at cancer hospitals and at school events. Magic is a magnet that always pulls people closer together.

The Magic of Learner Circle

At Learner Circle we understand that each child is unique with their own personalities and passions. That is why our vision is to impart a journey of infinite learning to children through our digital initiatives. We believe that we can help children to build cognitive skills, critical thinking skills and leadership skills. We want to nurture children with potential skills that will become essential qualifications in their future careers. Our diverse range of online courses are curated to help children explore, experiment and dabble with various skills until they choose their passion. We are determined to help them become the leaders of tomorrow through our learning initiatives that nurture curiosity and passion for knowledge.

Please do check out our website if you want to learn more about our online courses that focus on early development and cognitive growth. Please do not hesitate to let us know if you would like to try out a free demo.

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