Parents can motivate kids into happy learners through patience and creativity. Kids will approach learning with more enthusiasm when parents make learning fun. Displaying patience makes a significant impact on building a foundation of positive reinforcement and mutual trust. This impacts the social and emotional development of kids in a positive way. Here are few reasons why parents should try patient parenting:
"If you think parenting needs a limitless amount of patience, you are wrong, you need more than that." - unknown
1) Be patient and share a passion
When parents have conversations with kids about things that interest them, it kindles the curiosity to learn. Whether it is a book or a movie. A parent’s fascination with an art or a hobby, can motivate kids to try new things.
They will also learn that learning is a lifetime journey from this behavior. A parent manifesting a passion can be a big inspiration for kids. It begins the journey towards cognitive development which enables improved critical thinking skills and creativity, both significant futuristic skills for all kids.
"If you read an intriguing article or watched an educational program, tell your kids about it." – Deborah Stipek, Dean of Stanford University’s School of Education.
Related: https://www.learnercircle.in/post/experiential-learning-the-benefits-of-experiential-learning
2) Be patient with reading
Books are known to foster and accelerate learning. Creating an enriched environment that fosters a sense of curiosity and the need to explore creates a positive attitude towards learning within. Studies reveal that the most proficient readers tend to be kids surrounded by several types of learning material. Having books within the reach of a child also increases the chances of them reading more often. A parent’s active participation boosts understanding and fun. The act of reading improves aptitude for language, writing, communication, creativity, cognitive skills, and critical thinking. It also serves as a trigger to experiment with new hobbies when kids are inspired by fictional or real-life stories.
"You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance" Franklin Jones
Related: https://www.learnercircle.in/post/why-writing-is-important-for-children
3) Be patient and nurture Interests, go with the trending hobby
When kids already have a mild interest or a stronger passion to learn something, that is a good foundation for parents to build on. During their growing years, their interests may change. Parents need to be patient and try to keep up with their changing ideas. Being supportive and planning different learning experiences makes a profound impact on learning outcomes. Example: A trip to the zoo during the dinosaur phase or a trip to the Planetarium, if space is the trending hobby. What is more important is to support their sense of self and uniqueness. This acceptance of a parent impacts the self-esteem and self confidence of kids in a significant way.
A study conducted by the University of Chicago of high-achieving athletes and artists found that the common factor among these kids was that their parents recognized their interest at an early age. These parents had nurtured, supported, and encouraged the kids as much as they could. That made all the difference.
4) Give them space to learn and explore
Being patient with kids means not only to give them time to discover themselves but also to give them enough space to be themselves. Giving them the opportunities to problem solve on their own improves competencies such as critical thinking skills , creativity, and thinking on the spot. Parents can encourage kids to think for themselves while giving them support at the same time. When kids are allowed to overcome a problem on their own, like a jigsaw puzzle or a math problem, it gives them a sense of accomplishment. Yes, it gives them a sense of who they can be too. Space to learn provides a foundation for kids to improve their social skills. It also helps them to connect with their peers, community and the environment. Besides this, exposing them to different environments where they can play, explore and take risks is an essential pathway to learning. Playing outdoors or exploring nature is crucial for children to develop physical strength, balance and coordination.
Patience builds trust with children
Often, because parents are impatient, they fail to allow kids to try small tasks at home. To avoid a mess or a mistake, parents do the task themselves. But, giving kids small responsibilities can build trust between family members. Patience gives them the #courage to try again. When kids accomplish these small tasks, they look for positive reinforcement, this can offer them a sense of self-confidence and competence. To build patience, parents also need to practice fostering conversations that help kids express their feelings and ideas. Actively listening and giving them the space they ask for, is a way of displaying mutual respect. Building a foundation of mutual respect and understanding fosters an environment of trust, giving kids the freedom to just be!
"Dear parents, have patience and forgive from the depths of your heart." - Pope Francis
5) Patience fosters a stress-free environment
Being patient as a parent helps foster a stress-free environment that is conducive to learning and growth. Kids who have patient parents are more likely to push themselves out of their #comfortzones and try new things. These kids will also learn to accept their mistakes and try harder the next time. Coping with #failure is an important #lifeskill and being patient when kids make mistakes enables them to move on to the next task faster.
"A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret." - unknown
Related: https://www.learnercircle.in/post/a-historical-study-on-extra-curricular-activities-ea-the-beginning
A patient parent works as a good role model for kids to practice patience themselves. Kids learn #self-restraint and become better at managing emotions. In an age of instant gratification, parents can help foster patience in kids by delaying rewards. Kids learn that life is not a packet of instant noodles where everything happens within two minutes. There are many lessons kids can learn from being patient:
Learning to wait for their turn
They learn to manage their buying habits, waiting until they can truly afford something for a purchase
Patience builds #character
Patience enhances peer-to-peer relationships
They become patient adults
Related: https://www.learnercircle.in/post/understanding-children-and-helping-them-grow-through-learning
Being a patient parent makes a significant impact on the child’s overall development. It influences cognitive growth, mental wellbeing, emotional growth, and physical development. It is safe to say that by being #patient, parents create learners who understand the freedom to explore, who are more willing to accept their #mistakes and most importantly learners who welcome ways to innovate themselves #consistently. Patient parents can build a generation of kids who can impact the world in creative, more responsible ways.
At Learner Circle, we understand that parenting can get stressful and can get overwhelming. We encourage parents to be creatively engaged, allowing the child space to grow. Learner Circle offers online classes for adults in various arts like dance and music. Do not hesitate to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. We have a wide plethora of courses for children as well. Keeping a child productively engaged will ease the stress of parenting. Our courses like art, music, singing, dance , coding and sketching focus on cognitive skills and overall development of the child. Our teachers are experienced and qualified. More details are available on our website.
