The entire world is managing the worldwide pandemic of COVID-19 in their particular ways. From self isolations to government-imposed lockdowns for the security of its kin, the world is taking a break from the standard everyday routine. And thus, you are left with a great deal of time at home! So how would you use it productively?
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government of several countries has declared multiple lockdowns. For many, this lockdown period has given leisure time on your hands than you've ever had. A time which you never thought you would have!

This leisure time provides you with great opportunities to do things. From enhancing your artistic skills to exploring your garden, you have a lot of things to do during this lockdown.
However, there are plenty of ways to fill your time productively during the lockdown. Here are some tips on how you can be productive during COVID-19 lockdown.
1. Learn a New Skill
Are you’re looking to improve upon your professional portfolio or to pursue a new skill? Then this is the right time! There are countless new skills you can learn in your spare time.
There are various skills we often think to learn something new, but never invest the time and effort to learn about them. Learning new skills can be useful, fun, and are often great at making you an “all-rounded” person.
2. Gardening
During these challenging times, we must remember the importance of gardening has on our mental health and wellbeing.
Gardening can not only be an exceptionally helpful method of passing the time, however, but it can also likewise feel incredibly remunerating while appreciating your rewards for so much hard work – regardless of whether it be tomatoes, carrots, chillis, peas, oranges, or whichever natural product or veg takes your fancy.

If you've not got the best green fingers as of now, maybe now is the perfect opportunity to figure out how to think about plants adequately.
3. Learn a New Language
Do you remember all those times where you were thriving to learn new languages but just couldn’t find a spare time? Well, now you have a lot of time to do so.
Learning a new language makes you smarter. It boosts your memory power, enhances your multitasking ability, and improves decision-making skills.
Whichever language you pick regardless of whether it be French, Spanish, or Hindi– it could have a major effect on your life once we, at last, get past the COVID-19 outbreak.
4. Set up a Workout Routine
Being confined indoors all the time during this pandemic situation it could bring forth some physical and psychological problems. Hence, we must ensure to engage in activities that can fight these two aspects.
It is important to engage in some form of physical fitness to keep your body and mind active.
Yoga has been practiced for ages and is the best-recommended form of exercise for stretching and muscle building simultaneously.
5. Learn to Cook
With so much leisure time available on your hands, now is the ideal time to don the apron and get creative in the kitchen. Take this as a great opportunity to enhance your culinary skill.

If you’ve got a sweet tooth, why not try your hand at baking some cookies or preparing delicious sweets. Food has always found a way to bring people together! Use this time to learn something new by cooking.
6. Get Artistic
As the lockdown order stretches on, arts and crafts can be an engaging way to pass the time during the COVID-19 lockdown. Creating something innovative helps our sense of self-efficacy or the belief in our abilities.
Getting artistic is a great way to express yourself, learn a new skill, and help you see ordinary things in a whole new way and channel your creativity. Surprise everyone by revealing your artistic skill!
7. Organize your Desk
Struggling to concentrate with all those messes on your desk? Get your workspace back in order and comb through all of that loose paperwork and scattered stationary.
Not only will it look more appealing on all of those Zoom meetings but it will help you to feel more motivated and inspired. Create a stress-free space that lets you focus on what's important.
8. Play an Instrument
Do you remember the first time when you bought a guitar or keyboard and felt like you’re going to rock the world? Somehow later you might have lost touch on playing those instruments. No need to worry anymore! Tune your musical instruments.

While listening to a song making sounds seems to be a simple task, but it is incredibly hard when you pick up an instrument. This probably the perfect time for you to pick up your instrument that’s been lying somewhere in your house for ages.
9. Meditate
Beat your lockdown stress and anxiety with meditation. If you feel stressed and anxious due to the ongoing lockdown, then doing some meditation on regular basis can be of great help to you.
Meditation is a commonly used best practice to relax. It makes you feel less stressed. It is a great productive activity that can be done especially during this pandemic situation. If the lockdown is taking a toll on your mind, then you must try meditating.
10. Textiles
If you always wanted to create the clothes of your design then this might be a great time to reveal your creativity. Learning how to sew, or knit could be a useful way to spend your time during this lockdown.
There is nothing quite satisfactory like wearing a nice cloth you have created by hand yourself. Knowing your way around textiles can be an incredibly rewarding and useful skill to know.
Get started with some of these activities right away. Use this time wisely and upskill your life.