Anne Frank
The dairy of a young girl
By Anne Frank
The most valuable message of this story is that all people have the right to live in freedom. ‘Anne Frank the diary of a young girl’ is a real dairy of a teenage girl that begin on Anne’s 13th birthday (12th June 1942), when she got the dairy. The dairy revealed the story of her family, who lived in Frank foot Germany. It was during the 2nd world war when Hitler and Narzive parties. Treatment with the Jews turned horrible. So suddenly Anne and her family had to go into hiding. They ran away to Amsterdam went into other Jews. The dairy ended suddenly on 1st August 1944.
There are many important messages in this book, the most important one is that each human being has a right to live in freedom. Anne’s story shows us that people should not treated only one the basis of their different religions or cast. Her diary reveals how each Jew. Colony because there were Jews spent each of their days in hiding panicked and worried about being found and punished in the poison’s gas chamber.
Being a girl of her age, I felt Anne was a highly spirited and a cheerful girl even in that dreadful situation. Which I even can not think of. She was a common talkative and inquisitive teenage girl who perhaps didn’t understand that how difficult the life would turn eventually each day. She enjoyed writing and describing whatever she observed and experienced. Her life was extremely challenging in hiding like any other Jew because they had to be quit all the days, weeks, and months together.
I would recommend this book to any one aged 10 upwards. Since its very challenge in many places. Anyone having interest in reading historical books would find the book extremely interesting.
I would like to give 9 out of 10 points to this book.